Raising Money to Make a Difference in Children's Lives

The Sunrise Theatre Foundation raises funds year-round to support our mission. The Foundation provides bus transportation to the Sunrise Theatre for hundreds of Treasure Coast children yearly.
The Foundation also co-sponsors summer camps which are performed on the Sunrise Theatre’s stage. Each week, campers rehearse and present their plays on our professional stage. The children enjoy an exceptional experience and go forward with a true working knowledge of the theater.
To raise the necessary funds to present these activities, the Foundation holds several fundraising events throughout the year.
Pave the Way: Engraved Bricks for only $150
Show your support for the Sunrise Theatre by purchasing a brick for just $150 that will be placed at the front entrance to the theatre. Your personalized brick will be a lasting expression of your commitment to the theatre and the Foundation.
Consider making your gift in honor of or in memory of someone who loves the theater. You may also want to consider including the Sunrise Theatre Foundation in your estate plans. Click on the link to purchase your brick.
To donate to this program, click here
Donate to Pave the Way
Play It Forward: Help Children Experience Performing Live Theatre

Your generosity helps local children enjoy exciting Sunrise Theatre experiences!
Yes! I would like to provide a gift to help children experience LIVE THEATRE performances at Sunrise Theatre. The Foundation provides tickets and transportation for several performances suitable for children each year.
Donate to Play It Forward
Happy and Hopeful: Free Tickets for Children in Need

The Sunrise Theatre Foundation Happy & Hopeful Ticket Event purchases tickets for children in need in St. Lucie County to attend regular shows at the theatre that are suitable for children. The Foundation will work with agencies that have an existing relationship with the Children’s Services Council of St Lucie County and that we believe serve children who would benefit most from this event.
The Foundation will work with these agencies to determine the number of children that an agency would like to bring to a specific show. The agency is responsible for bringing and chaperoning the children. The Foundation will purchase the tickets, and distribute them to the agency.
Your generous contribution will fund this program for future shows to be presented at the Sunrise Theatre. And we are proud of our partnership with the Children's Services Council in providing opportunities for children in our county to participate in live theatre.

Donate to Happy and Hopeful
Adopt A Bus: Bus Transportation for Students to the Theatre

Over the years the Sunrise Theatre Foundation has raised transportation funds for more than 85,000 student visits. Please join the Foundation as we continue to bring buses of excited children to our Sunrise Theatre.
Sponsorship Benefits Include:
1) Listing on the Sunrise Theatre website the day of the event
2) The opportunity to welcome the students at the Theatre on the day of the show
3) Company/donor name listed in the Sunrise Theatre Playbill
4) Signage at the Sunrise Theatre on the day of the event
Sponsor Adopt-A-Bus: $250 (tax-deductible).
Donate to Adopt A Bus
The StageFright's Children's Summer Theatre Camp:
The Summer Camp Program that teaches acting and performing

Sponsorship of the Children's Summer Theatre Camp allows children and teens develop appreciation and experience the art of theatre through working with experienced theatre professionals.
As a partnership among The Sunrise Theatre, The Sunrise Theatre Foundation and the Children's Services Council of St. Lucie County, The Camp hosts two separate three-week children’s summer programs.
Sponsorship Benefits Include:
- Your logo will appear on both the Children’s Summer Theatre sponsorship sections of The Sunrise Theatre and The Sunrise Theatre Foundation websites.
- Sponsors will be included on show posters
- Sponsors be announced before the show starts
- Sponsor logo included in all videography of the shows
- Sponsor logo is included in the Sunrise Theatre’s lobby video
- Sponsors will receive two show tickets
- Sponsors will have their own tables in front of the shows.
- When you make a donation, your company or donor name will be mentioned in a press release for both The Sunrise Theatre and The Sunrise Theatre Foundation.
- Sponsors are listed in The Sunrise Theatre playbill.
- Backlinks for your site are added onto both The Sunrise Theatre and The Sunrise Theatre Foundation websites.